


o2ctrl_log(string $ctrl_name, integer $exe_id)

Returns an array of events happpened on field related to control.
Each record is in the form:
"id" => event timestamp with microseconds,
"date" => event date,
"time" => event time,
"act" => event action [I|D|C|U],
"user" => user who fired the event,
"value" => field value for event.

Insert records contains field value the record was created with.

For each Update record there is a Change record with the same ID: the Change record contains the Value before modification, the Update record contains the Value after modification.

Delete records contains the last field Value before deleting.
Delete records matching Update records are changed to "C" for easy filtering.

  1. $ctrl_name
  2. Name of the control to get history for
  3. $exe_id
  4. Program execution ID: use 0 or nothing for current program
Related functions:
